Activities / Clubs
- HAL/Quiz Bowl
- Skills USA
- Newspaper/Yearbook
- LEO Club
- Debate
- Key Club
- PL Club
- Student Council
- National Honor Society
- Art Club
- French Club
- German Club
- Spanish Club
- Band
- Color Guard
- Cheerleading
- Dance
- Drama
- Show Choir
- Tri-M
- eSports
- Upward Bound
- DND Club
- GSA Club
- Fishing Club
HAL/Quiz Bowl
What is Quiz Bowl?
Quiz Bowl is a trivia game played on teams of one to four players. Players buzz in to answer tossup questions, and the team works together to answer bonus questions. Questions cover all academic areas, plus current events, pop culture, and sports. Some tournaments are very academic; others are entirely non-academic. If you like Jeopardy! Or trivia games of any sort, you might enjoy Quiz Bowl.
Who can play?
The Quiz Bowl Club is open to all PLHS students. Everyone is welcome, regardless of skill-level or level of commitment. Some people just come to play with us occasionally; others want to represent PLHS at tournaments.
What does the club do?
First, we hold 45 minute practices once a week. Practice helps us do well at tournaments, and it’s also a lot of fun. “Practice” is kind of a bad name; it’s fun even if you’re not practicing for a tournament. Our practices are very laid-back. Some people only answer one or two questions and that’s totally fine. People come because it’s fun and they learn cool, hip, interesting, and sometimes some crazy stuff!
Throughout the year, we compete in tournaments with other Metro area schools. Tournaments are usually held on Saturdays so we plan accordingly and participate based everyone’s availability. Tournaments are not required.
Interested Contact Ms. Halligan
What is DECA?
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. PLHS DECA students participate in a variety of activities that focus on community service, social activities, career readiness, and leadership development.
What are the benefits?
The mission of DECA, Inc. is to enhance the co-curricular education of students with interest in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. DECA helps students to develop skills and competence for marketing careers, to build self-esteem, to experience leadership and to practice community service. DECA is committed to the advocacy of marketing education and the growth of business/education partnerships. State and national DECA awards over $200,000 in scholarships each year to active DECA members?
Our Chapter
Last year, PLHS DECA had 100 student members and this year we hope to meet or exceed that number. Major events this year include the Fall Leadership conference (Embassy Suites, LaVista), school Dodgeball Tournament, group outings, field trips to local businesses, guest speakers, Central Region Leadership Conference, Metro Competition, State Competition in Lincoln, NE and the International Conference in Atlanta, GA.
How Can I Get Involved?
If you are a student, come talk to Ms. Petersen, Mr. Strom, or a DECA Chapter officer to learn more. To be an official member, you must pay DECA dues and fill out your registration form.
Come learn more about PLHS DECA at the Freshmen Activity Fair, Group Meetings, and Group Events!
We generally meet on the 4th Thursday of each month in the morning or afternoon.
Follow us on Twitter: @plhsdeca
Follow us on Instagram: @papiodeca
Sponsors: Priscilla Petersen Room 151) and Alex Strom (Room 413K)
Skills USA
Skills USA
A career and technology based education will help your child to be more than just an average student. Career and technology education can give your child what’s needed to succeed for life: technical skills, academic skills and employability skills. In addition, career and technical education helps students see how what they’re learning applies to the needs of employers.
Our SkillsUSA chapter meets every Thursday morning at 7:30am in room 333. Elected high school student officers and committee chairs will lead all chapter activities. The state conference is each spring in Grand Island. You son/ daughter will make new friends, learn about leadership while helping with fundraising, social activities, community service and preparing for the state conference. The state web site for SkillUSA is SkillsUSA is the second largest student organization in the United States will over 350,000 members.
Meeting Times: We will meet on Monday at 3:30.
Sponsor: Cameron Pospisil
The Scepter /
Students in the Journalism: Magazine/Web course work on producing the school news magazine, The Scepter, and website, The staff is divided into actual working units with the goal of producing the publications. Our magazine runs six times per year with a distribution of 800+ copies.
The Monarch Yearbook:
Students in the Journalism: Yearbook course work on producing a full color yearbook.
Don’t miss out on your chance to order the 2025 PLHS Yearbook. Books are $70 until October 11, $75 from October 12-January 10, and $80 from January 11-April 18. All orders must be in by April 19, 2025. You can order online at or send cash or a check made payable to PLHS to Mr. Rohacik in room 307.
Please see the files below for a yearbook order form, senior picture guidelines & senior tribute information. Please contact Mr. Rohacik at joseph.rohacik@plcschools.
Please note: The PLHS Yearbook is a “fall delivery” book. Students will pick up their books in August 2025. This allows for a book that can document the ENTIRE school year, including spring sports/activities & graduation.
Check out our website: http://www.
Important Documents
LEO Club
LEO Club provides the young people of your community with an opportunity for development and contribution- individually and collectively- as responsible members of their local, national and international communities. Leo Club activities and projects enhance the community and help young people develop and practice leadership, organization and social skills.
The Leo Club motto is Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.
- Leadership: Leo members acquire skills as project organizers and motivators of their peers.
- Experience: They discover how teamwork and cooperation can bring about change in their community and the world.
- Opportunity: Leos develop positive character traits and receive recognition for their contribution.
Meetings are every Friday at 7:30 am.
Sponsor: Ms. Schnabel
What is Debate?
Debate is an academic activity where you get to research, write, and argue social topics in a structured forum. It will make you more informed, it will make you a better thinker, it will make you a better speaker, and it will make you more confident. To get there, you will work like crazy, build positive relationships with your teammates and coaches, and engage in one of the most rigorous academic activities in the nation.
Debate Events
Public Forum: A team of two competes against another team of two. The teams have prepared speeches and also give rebuttals to opponent speeches and compete in crossfire questioning. Public Forum gets a new topic every month, and is designed to be accessible to any intelligent person.
Lincoln Douglas: An individual competes against another individual. Both teams have prepared speeches and give rebuttals. Lincoln-Douglas is argued in a more philosophical way, and can only be judged by trained judges.
Congress: A group of roughly twenty students act as legislators and give speeches debating bills; then they vote on whether or not to pass them.
Tournament Requirements
All debaters are encouraged to participate in as many tournaments as possible. With each tournament, students receive a number of points based on wins, losses, or number of speeches. These points are tabulated through the National Speech and Debate Association and will determine whether a debater qualifies for State or National tournaments in March. The schedule is provided at the beginning of the season and all conflicts are to be discussed with either the Head Coach or Assistant Coach as soon as possible.
The team season starts in September, with weekly practices to prepare for the tournament season. Tournaments start at the beginning of November and run through the end of March. Typically, tournaments are held on Saturdays, but can also include Friday evenings. Tournaments are all day events with transportation provided by the school.
Interested Contact Ms. Bukacek
HOSA is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE. HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA’s goal is to encourage all health occupations instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSTE-HOSA Partnership.
HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in HSTE programs. HOSA is 100% health care!
The mission of HOSA is to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality health care by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development of all health science technology education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the health care community.
Sponsor: Katie Krieger
Key Club
Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels. Key Club is open to all students in grades 9-12.
Each year, Key Club International teams up with its three partner organizations, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network and UNICEF. Each Key Club is encouraged to participate with our partners as we join together to make a difference in the lives of children.
Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.
Vision: To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
Core values: The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness.
Motto: Caring–Our Way of Life
Objects: To develop initiative and leadership.
PLHS Key Club Sponsor: Mrs. Peach
Key Club Dues: $15
Meeting times: We will meet the last Tuesday of the month either before or after school in Room 126
Sponsor: Leah Peach
PL Club
What is PL Club?
PL Club is a group of student athletes who have lettered in a varsity sport or activity at PLHS. This group is a direct reflection of hard work and dedication. We as a group want to show the community and our school district how thankful we are as student athletes by giving back to the community. A few examples of things that we do as a group include: can food drive in the fall, selling concession during the winter, reading to elementary schools in the spring, and a paint-a-thon in the summer.
Sponsor: Jeff Govier
Student Council
Student Council
Instagram: plhsmonarchstuco
Sponsor: Stephanie Kimball
Assistant: Margaret Skradski
- Elections: In May of the preceding year, consisting of teacher recommendations, an essay and student votes
- Meetings: Every other Tuesday, with officers meeting the other Tuesdays
- Services: Philanthropy is offered every meeting and students are required to attend 3 per semester.
- Fundraisers: Main fundraiser is Homecoming
- Events: The council members organize events for themselves or the entire school. 3 are required per semester
National Honor Society
2024-2025 National Honor Society Officers:
- President: Lillian Vitera
- Vice-President: Kaylon Urzendowski
- Secretary: Audrey Shuput
- Treasurer: Ashley Blodgett
Senior Members: Dues are $20 annually and are due by Friday, September 27th
Senior members who completed summer hours, please have those turned in by Friday,September 27th.
MEETING DATES: Meetings will be held in the morning at 7:40am in the Excellence Center. If a meeting is missed you may make up that meeting afterschool at 3:30pm in room 119.
- August 22nd
- Sept. 19th
- Oct. 17th
- Nov. 21st
- No meeting in December
- Jan. 16th
- Feb. 20th
- March 20th
- April 17th
National Honor Society Fall Induction of new members: Thursday, November 7 th
Application Process:
All application information will be sent to eligible juniors and seniors by the end of August.
Students who are eligible and interested in applying should attend an application meeting that will be held in the Auditorium on Friday, August 30th. These meetings will be at 7:30am and 3:30pm.
After attending the meeting, If applicants have any questions about this process, they should see Mrs. Boudreau or Mrs. Palomaki ASAP. Applicants can also send e-mails with questions.
Applications are due Tuesday, October 1st by 3:30PM to Mrs. Boudreau (Room 119) or Mrs. Palomaki (Room 818).
Requirements for Application:
Student must be a Junior or Senior.
Student must have a cumulative, weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher. Student must fully complete
the National Honor Society application by the required due date. Application consists of student
providing verification of all community service and extra-curricular activities participated in
since the ninth grade year. Signatures of coaches, sponsors, and supervisors are required.
Five evaluation forms need to be given to teachers, coaches, activity sponsors, etc. who can
evaluate the student on character and leadership.
Two essays will be required of each student. Essays cover the topics of how the student
exemplifies the qualities of character and leadership. These essays should be typed.
Completing the application does not guarantee acceptance into the National Honor Society here
at PLHS. All applications are reviewed by a selection committee made up of certified staff.
Requirements for Current Members:
Maintain weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Two service projects are required for this first semester, one of those must be a “board”
15 service hour requirement for first and second semester. 2nd semester seniors will complete
10 hours as their hours are due early so we can get cords ordered for graduation.
If service opportunities come our way, we will post them.
What should 9 th and 10 th graders be doing now?
· Get involved in school and community activities
· Begin or continue completing community service
· Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or
· Demonstrate solid leadership and character at all times
Follow us on X: @PLHSNHS
Lori Boudreau
Jennifer Palomaki
Art Club
Art Club is the gathering of student’s interested in all aspects of Art. Exploration of various mediums and techniques that don't always get the chance to be introduced in art class. You do not need to be enrolled in an Art class to be a part of this creative group, all are encouraged to come and join in the fun.
Meeting dates: Art club meets at 3:25- 4:25, generally the first Wednesday of the month in room 402. Check the board outside of Mrs. Boyd's room for meeting reminders.
- September 4th
- October 2nd
- November 6th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
Interested Contact: Mrs. Boyd
French Club
French students of all levels are invited to be a part of French Club. The club meets about twice a month. The executive council, headed by a president and vice-president, works with Mme Halligan to plan activities and meetings. We meet to have fun and to learn more about French culture. We may play French games, eat French snacks, watch French movies, or hear a guest speaker, for example. There are opportunities for leadership, service, and connection with others in the francophone world.
Sponsor: Dianne Halligan
German Club
German Club is open to any former or current German language student at PLHS. The club meets about once a month. The meeting activities are planned by the club officers and Ms. Toczek.
The goal of the club is to give members an opportunity to socialize with German students of all levels and to encourage an interest in the German language and culture.
There are two elected offices for German club: Chancellor and Präisdent. Elections are held early in the year and the position is held for the remainder of the school year.
Contact: Ms. Toczek
Spanish Club
Spanish Club meets approximately once a month with activities organized by club officers and Sra. Wittrig.
The goal of Spanish Club is to enrich the classroom experience by exploring concepts in more detail, making crafts, playing games, watching movies, or eating snacks connected with one of the many Spanish-speaking countries. We also connect with the community through guest speakers and service projects.
Contact: Ms. Wittrig
The Papillion-La Vista High School Monarch Band continues to maintain and build upon their tradition of excellence in concert bands, jazz bands, marching band, game band, as soloists and in small ensembles. 150+ students are involved in the band program each year. The many bands at PLHS participate in numerous community, state, and national events. Besides the performance aspect of music, students in the bands also receive practice in the areas of music history, theory, and research.
Visit Mr. Keller’s website to learn more about PLHS bands: Click Here
Follow us on Twitter: @plmonarchbands
Band Director: Tim Keller
Color Guard
The Papillion-La Vista Monarch Color Guard is an organization starting a new tradition of excellence. The Monarch Color Guard offers its members the opportunity to express themselves through performances with the marching band at football games and in competition. Color Guard is also a way for members to build friendships, social skills, team building skills and leadership. Each and every member is valued for their distinctive talents, skills and interests. The members of the Monarch Color Guard strive to be an asset to the Monarch marching band, to be positive role models for all students, and to promote PLHS in the best possible way at football games, competitions, and in the community.
The PLHS Monarch Color Guard program is a student activity. It is expected that Color Guard members make academics a priority and that participating on the Monarch Color Guard team will not interfere with the student’s academics. The program should aid in developing the members into responsible, mature and independent young adults through:
The primary purpose of the Monarch Color Guard is to enhance the marching band’s performance and to perform at competitions with the marching band. Color Guard is time consuming during the season but lasts for a shorter time than most. PLHS Color Guard is a great way to get involved and be part of a team.
- Leadership opportunities
- Development of positive decision making skills
- Social development (awareness of one’s self, development of self-confidence and self-esteem, and development of interpersonal relationships)
- Opportunities for student growth, change and maturity
Interested in Joining Color Guard Contact:
The Papillion-La Vista Cheerleading team is an organization committed to a tradition of excellence. The Papillion LaVista Cheer team provides an opportunity for its members to express themselves through promoting school spirit and cheer competitions as well as an outlet for camaraderie, socialization and leadership. Each individual on the team is recognized for their unique talents, abilities and interests. Although members of the cheer team come from a variety of backgrounds, the PLHS Cheer team is united in striving for common goals: achieving academic excellence, promoting school spirit, and serving as positive community role models. The cheer team participates in community activities to contribute to the betterment of society while promoting values that encourage leadership and excellence in adolescents, and by sharing members’ talents through youth clinics and cheer exhibitions.
The primary purpose of the cheerleader is to be a member of the team, which has as its #1 goal the support of athletics and PLHS. That support is directed into cheering for all sports to keep the crowd’s attention/direction focused on the field/court/mat, to entertain, and to ultimately create a positive atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement at sporting events. We also help with other sports where cheering is not appropriate, we help time the swim meets, help with Cross Country meets, Tennis, Track and Golf. We recognize all athletes with locker signs and banners to ensure students awareness of the activities and promote school spirit and athlete recognition at our pep rallies. Cheerleading is an intense activity which is very time consuming, however extremely rewarding in many areas.
Head Coaches – Leigh McAuliff and Kyndra Smith
Assist. Coach – Elizabeth Lange
Mission Statement
The Papillion La Vista Dance Team is an organization committed to excellence. The Papillion La Vista Dance Team provides a haven for its members to express themselves through the art of dance as well as an outlet for camaraderie, socialization and leadership. Each individual on the team is recognized for her unique talents, abilities and interests. Although members of the dance team come from a variety of backgrounds, the PLHS Pom Squad is united in striving for common goals; achieving academic excellence, promoting school spirit, and serving as positive community role models. The pom squad participates in community service activities to contribute to the betterment of society while promoting values that encourage leadership and excellence in adolescents, while sharing members’ talents.
The primary purpose of the dancer is to be a member of the team, which has as its goal the support of athletics and PLHS. That support is directed into participating in dance routines which keep the crowd’s attention/direction focused on the field/court, to entertain, and to ultimately create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement at sporting events.
Head Coach: Allie Kampinnen
Asst. Coach: Sydney Travis
Show Choir
- President- Cathy Muck
- Vice-President- Melissa Smith
- Secretary- Kristen Greib
- Treasurer- Scott Spilman
- Board Assistant- Bill McArthur
- Scholarship Chair- Dina Williams
- Free Spirit Member at Large- Krista Hericks
- Heart and Soul Member at Large- Lauren Halgerson
- Monarchy Member at Large- Rachel Guthmiller
- Directors- Meredith L'Heureux and Lindsey Ussery
- Collaborative Pianist- Marques Higgins
Show Choir Website-
Follow us on FaceBook: PLHS Scoop
Follow us on Twitter: @plhsshowchoirs
Sponsor: Lindsey Ussery
Sponsor: Meredith L’Heureux
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for middle/junior high and high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership.
The Tri-M chapter at PLHS will include students involved in school music programs. Students meeting the required standards will be inducted during the second semester of each school year. Invitation to the Music Honor Society will be based on the following criteria:
- A student must be enrolled in a school sponsored music ensemble.
- A student must maintain a 3.25 grade average in all course work.
- A student must be of excellent character within the school and in the community.
Tri-M students at PLHS will participate in activities designed to improve musicianship. Students will also participate in activities focused on service within the school and community. Students will be given opportunities to develop leadership skills.
Sponsor: Tim Keller
Upward Bound
DND Club
GSA Club
What is FCA?
We are a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. We want students/athletes that want to grow in your faith and sport. FCA offers events, Huddles and resources that speak directly to your life as a competitor — to build your athletic skills AND to also strengthen your faith.
More info. at
Who can be a part of FCA?
Everyone is welcome.
What does the FCA do?
We meet on Mondays at 7:20 am in the Library and discuss devotionals, read bible passages, and answer questions in small huddle groups to enhance athlete performance, strength, and faith.
Interested Contact Chris Curry at
Fishing Club
The Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) club meets approximately twice a month, where VSA executive officers lead each meeting with a unique theme. These gatherings foster cultural exchange, community building, and student engagement through various activities, discussions, and events centered around Vietnamese culture, traditions, and current issues.
Our Purpose: Our purpose is to instill and maintain a spirit of community among students interested in Vietnamese culture at the Papillion La Vista High School. VSA orients around social and cultural topics of Vietnam to preserve the Vietnamese culture and heritage.
Our Mission: We will provide opportunities for entertainment with the intention to enhance the understanding of Vietnamese language, history, art, religion, music, cuisine, literature, architecture, fashion, and dance to students at PLHS and in the community.
Contact: Mrs. Nguyen for more information.